Monday, January 27, 2014

DIY: Super Cute Headboard

Are you tired of looking at your same old boring room? Well you can spice it up my adding a super cute and inexpensive headboard. Below I will show you how I took my bed from dull to super cute! This DIY is inexpensive and easy to follow! I will be showing you all more DIYs in the future! Stay tuned!

1. 2 yards of fabric
2. 1 yoga mat
3. Large Fabric Scissors 
4. Hot Glue Gun
5. Glue Sticks
6. Pins

Step 1: Cut your yoga mat 2 inches longer than the width of your bed. 

Step 2: Lay your fabric flat on the floor. Then lay your yoga mat on top of your fabric. Now cut your fabric two inches wider than your yoga mat.

Step 3: Now fold your fabric piece behind your yoga mat and pin your fabric to the yoga mat.

Step 4: Glue your yoga mat and fabric together along the perimeter of the yoga mat.

Step 5: Nail your headboard to the wall. Isn't it super cute? 

(Optional): Add a cute design or trim to your headboard.

Your headboard is super awesome now, right? I love my metallic headboard! I am in the process of revamping my room so I will have tons of DIYs for you guys this year. I have a couple of clothing DIYs for you guys as well. Make sure to stay connected with TheeFashionStories to enjoy everything that is in store!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist


  1. This is so Awesome! I need to spice up me room and I think this will be a good fit!

    1. Thanks! I will have more DIYs soon, so stay tuned!


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