Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Classic Sundays

You can never go wrong with following your passion! Never give up and never give in. What God has for you is for you! Check out this style post below to see where to shop get this super cute look!

Stripes and Acid Wash

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jas Where the Heck Have You Been?

Drum roll please....

I am now employed beyond TheeFashionStories,LLC! This is part of the reason why I have not been blogging. I have been working and staying on track with school (Amen). I will be back to regular scheduled blogging soon. I was going through some personal trials and needed time off. Honestly, blogging was taking over my life then I started dating, so my priorities were out of wack for a bit. Now, I am back on track and working on new things to bring to TheeFashionStories! Can you say, "We're moving on UP!" Ha.

Check out the first episode of Tiger Trends below and send me your feedback. It is my job to host each episode, come up with concepts for the episodes, and style the models. I love my new job and hope to incorporate more videos into TheeFashionStories soon. I have new buttons as well. I am getting pumped about blogging again, which is great! God has renewed my mind and given me a brand new focus. Please pray with me about time management. I tend to get caught up on my laptop.

I have tons more in store to share with you all. I will be at KC Fashion Week and I am helping plan the Women of Imagery Annual Scholarship Fund Fashion Show as well. Btw, did you notice the new colors and layout? Yes, yes it was time to spice things up! Spring is right around the corner. I love you guys and I am feeling more like myself everyday now.

Thank you all so much for rocking with me!

Much Love,

Friday, February 7, 2014

Model: Lamisha Mckamey

Hello Fashion Lovers! I want to introduce you all to Miss Lamisha Mckamey. She is a young, beautiful, and successful model with big dreams. Lamisha is ambitious and full of passion. I ran across her page on instagram and the rest is history. It has been a pleasure getting to know her since we bumped into each other at the MADE Urban Apparel Winter Release party. Now you all get the juicy details by simply scrolling down and checking out this exclusive interview! What are you waiting for? Keep reading to find out more about this beauty!

Why do you model?
Honestly I never really had a passion to be a model, but I just loved taking pictures. I have always been told that I should be a model because of how I look and dress. I was kind of discouraged by my height because I am only 5”2, but I feel like if you really put your mind to it and work hard for what you want you will succeed, so I’ve been searching around for an agency to represent me by sending out comp cards. I have gained exposure from working with Key Air Angels; we are involved in charity, modeling/fashion, encouraging and the uplifting of all women.

Where do you see your career in 3 years?
In 3 years I see myself graduating from college, officially starting my journalism career as a magazine designer, and moving to California or New York. Also I can see myself doing part-time modeling who knows maybe even full-time modeling.

Where can readers see your work?
Everyone can see my work at www.dhdesignphotography.com and search my name (Lamisha) on the website and on my Instagram @MiishaMae.

What was your motivation behind starting your modeling career?
My motivation is my family they support me in everything I do, especially my mom she always pushed me to be the best I can be from when I was younger till now. My boyfriend Lonzell has also been a big supporter of my career. He has supported everything that I've done. At my last photo shoot, he stood outside in the freezing cold just to support me. He is truly a big part of my life.

Also my supporters on social networks, like on Instagram girls would leave comments on my pictures telling me I motivate them and inspire them to do what they always dreamed of really means a lot to me, and goes to show that others are watching me that’s a really good feeling . All the positive feedback I get from everyone really pushes me to be great and not to give up.

What publication would you love to be the face of?
I would love to be the face of Vogue one day.

What are some of your favorite places to shop?
Some of my favorite brands are American apparel, Urban Outfitters, H&M and Forever21.

What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence means loving yourself for who you are, embracing every flaw about yourself because everyone isn’t perfect. I feel like in order to be truly happy you have to have confidence because our society today will do anything to see you fall. You have to keep your head up. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. 

What is your biggest dream or aspiration?
My biggest dream is to not only work for Vogue but to work with Vogue. I really want to be their magazine designer/ art director and become a known worldwide model and apparel model, to travel the world and move to New York or California. Whatever I do I just want to be known as the girl who accomplished her goals and never gave up.

What fashion story describes you in a nutshell?
I’m a chill-laid back type of girl like I absolutely love wearing oversized t-shirts and sweat shirts with jeans and a pair of sneakers like Nikes or Ugg boots. I like being comfortable and not feeling like I’m doing too much.

If you could shop anywhere, where would it be?
I would go shopping in London, Paris and New York.

What career advice do you have for TheeFashionStories readers?
My career advice for my readers is to never give up on what you want to do. Always have tunnel vision and don’t let what people say about what you’re doing stop you. Always remain you and stay true to yourself. Don’t be afraid to mess up or make mistakes no one is perfect; it’s okay to make mistakes because you will learn from them along the way.

Who are you trying to reach with your work?
With my work I’m trying to reach girls from all over, that you have to be confident in whatever you do, always stay positive. I want girls to know if you really want something go for it, now-a-days things aren’t handed to you, you have to be a go getter and go and get it. You have to be head strong and ALWAYS be yourself.

How can TheeFashionStories readers contact you?
All readers can reach me by my email address (Lamishamckamey@gmail.com) or they also can communicate with me through Instagram (MiishaMae_) and Twitter (LamishaMckamey_)

Lamisha thank you for such an inspiring interview. You are so sweet and optimistic. I love the fact that you are chasing all of your dreams. I can't wait to see your future success. No matter what you do , I am positive that you will be great it. The passion that you have will take you far.

Much Love,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kyla Cherrys' Summer/ Spring Look Book

Today is the big day! Here is Ms. Kyla Cherry's Spring/ Summer Look Book! Read the description below for more details from Kyla. I am so honored to release her look book on my blog and I am looking forward to seeing more of her work in the near future.

Description: My look book was inspired by the fun, flirty styles of the Spring and Summer. It gives viewers something to look forward to next season. I used clothing from my closet, and also pulled pieces from ReVamped's Clothing line as well. 

Model: Chandler Estelle
Model: Ayana Hubbard
Hair and MUA: Ashley Marshall
Photographer: Jhaylen Brown

Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to Style My Boyfriend Jeans


Day looks should be comfortable and simple. Solids are great to mix and match. Boyfriend jeans look great with fitted, knit sweaters. Gold jewelry is always perfect and timeless. A classic gold watch is perfect for the office or classroom. Flats are easy to walk in and comfortable to wear. You can transform this day look with a clutch or heels. Check out this night look below.


Night time looks should be fun and flirty. Let your hair down after work or class and throw on some stripy sandals. Red lipsticks is the ultimate wear for night time looks. Red lipstick is classic and makes your teeth look extra white. The fur scarf adds luxury to this simple look. Dress it up a little further with a blazer.

What pieces in your closet do you need me to help you style? Comment below. Stay tuned into TheeFashionStories for another How to Style My _____ post next week!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

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