
I'm Jas, the Editor-in-Chief, style enthusiast and inspirational writer behind this blog. I started blogging in November 2012 after suffering with depression and it finally started to take off in late 2013. I am now focus on building my brand and inspiring others to chase their dreams, fashionably of course.

I love fashion and the creativity that comes with it. I am obsessed with creative writing and positive thoughts, so I use this space to spread happy thoughts. My current obsessions are cropped trousers, pink lipstick, and metallic nail polish. My blog grows as I grow, so it's essentially everything that I am and aspire to be for the entire world to see.

I have been featured in the Columbia MissourianIt's Her StrutCurvaceous CityHer$tyle Media, and Lo'Cal Fashion Magazine. My goal is to expand my blog into an online community and interactive magazine once I graduate from college. There are no limits on my dreams and I honestly am excited about following the path that God has set out for me.

I hope that you come along with me for the journey.

By the way I'm not just a blogger or student, I am a lover, a sister, a motivator, and a friend. I am more than a simple beautiful face. I am woman, hear me roar & watch me werk! 

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