Friday, January 17, 2014

Makeup Artist: Lia Monet

Lia Monet is a makeup artist, hair stylist, a part time apparel model. She has worked as a receptionist for a cosmetology school, Sephora, and as a fast food worker. She now works at MAC Cosmetics. In 3 years she sees herself established as a makeup artist to celebrities and traveling around the world on tours with female artists.

What was your motivation behind starting your makeup career?
My family, my passion, and my own self were my motivation to starting my makeup career. I always knew that I had a love for makeup and wanted to go far with it, and since I decided to stop going to school I knew I had to succeed in whatever it was that I wanted to do besides school. 

What made you want to start modeling?
I honestly never thought or had dreams of ever becoming an apparel model, it was something that just kind of happened for me. A friend of mine (Mark, co-owner of MADEMOBB apparel) asked me to model for his first line release about a year and a half ago. After doing that shoot, I stayed with MADEMOBB as a model for two more line releases and also traveled to different states at sneaker shows to model for them as well. Working with them gave me a lot of exposure, and helped to get my name out there and network. From there on, other clothing lines began to contact me and now I have done shoots for about six other Kansas City and St. Louis based clothing lines.

Lia Monet working on a male client.

What fashion story describes you in a nutshell?
I’m a very laid back girl, and I like to be comfortable most of the time. So, the best outfit to describe my fashion story would be an oversized cardigan, tank top, sweatpants, and UGG boots. It may sound like a weird combination, but I like to keep it simple and feel comfortable as I mentioned before. Most of the time I do dress up, so when I get a chance to wear an outfit like the one I just described I get excited.

What is your biggest dream or aspiration?
My biggest dream is to become one of the best, worldwide known makeup artists in the world. Also, I would like to become a worldwide known apparel model. In whatever it is that I do, I just want to be known as one of the best to do it, accomplish it, and continue doing it. I never want my dream to end, and I want to be able to help others accomplish their own as well.

Who is your favorite makeup artist?
I honestly don’t have a favorite makeup artist, but there are a lot of makeup artists (male and female) that I follow through YouTube and social networks that I love. Some of them include, Makeupbyshayla, Donovan Lamar, Sam Fine, Beat Face Honey, and many more.

Which cosmetics brand is your favorite? Why?
Anyone who knows me knows that I am an avid MAC lover (which I am a newly hired employee of). I love everything about their brand, from their collections that they release to just their individual lipsticks. The quality of their products are amazing, and you can tell that they take their time to complete the needs of their clients. Also, I like to use Kat Von D, Urban Decay, Too Faced, NARS, and Makeup Forever products. These are also professional makeup brands whose quality is equivalent to MAC’s, and every dollar that you spend on these products are definitely well worth it.

What cosmetics brand has the best makeup brushes in your opinion?
MAC and Sigma brushes are the best makeup brushes to use in my opinion, because they have a soft texture and are excellent for blending.

What are your everyday makeup items?
Some of my everyday makeup items include: Kat Von D foundation, MAC concealer, NARS highlighter, some type of MAC lipstick, and lashes. I love a full makeup application, so I use a lot of products to accomplish my everyday look.

If you had to pick 1 color lipstick that describes you as a person, what color would it be?
Rebel lipstick, by MAC would best describe me as a person. I’ve always been the type of girl to do what I want, how I want to, and not care what anyone else thinks about it. I feel like you only get one life to live, so you should live it how you want to that way you won’t have any regrets.

What is your favorite place to shop?
I love to go thrifting (shopping at thrift stores), because that gives me a chance to find something that no one else will have (at least that’s what I think haha). You spend less money, for something that would be three or four times more expensive at a boutique or clothing store. I’m not a cheap person, but I’ll take a deal any day for a cute piece of clothing.
What is your proudest accomplishment in your career so far?
My proudest accomplishment thus far would be doing makeup for the Disney channel star, Coco Jones. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to do her hair and makeup multiple times that she’s come to Kansas City and St. Louis. Hopefully this will be an on going thing, and she’s told me that when she goes on tour that I will be her makeup artist so I’m definitely praying that that happens soon!

Lia Monet and Coco Jones

What makes your work different from your peers?
I feel that my work is different from my peers because I have a story behind what I’m doing. I’m not just doing it to make a living, and to gain recognition from it, but I’m also doing it to give girls hope who may not have that.

What mark do you want to leave on this world?
I want to be remembered by my work, by inspiring others do go for their dreams, and that I was able to give back. Many people become famous for doing what they love, and end up forgetting why and who they were doing it for and I don’t want that to happen to me. I want to be able to one day meet all of my fans, be able to talk to them face to face, and give them more advice that I may not be able to give through just social networks. I want people to know that I’m human and that I’m not perfect myself, that I will make mistakes along this journey but that I will do my best to remain a good example to those who one day wish to be in the same position as me.

What career advice do you have for TheeFashionStories readers?
Keep it professional at all times, and if future employers are big on social networks keep your pages clean as well. Take chances and take risks, and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way so that you can learn from them and give yourself room to grow. Never give up on whatever it is that you want to do, and never let anything or anyone stop you from doing it!

How can TheeFashionStories readers contact you?
All readers can reach me by my email address ( or they can also communicate with me through instagram and twitter @liamonet. I love talking back to my supporters, so I would love to hear from them!

Thank you for an honest interview. I was really intrigued with your responses. I know that you will go far as a makeup artists because of your outstanding talent and positive attitude. I wish you much success with all of your future endeavors

Much Love,

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