Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The New Jas + Inspiration

I am finally at a point my life where I can say that I am absolutely in love with who God made me. I am reaching for dreams that I never thought I could and making myself proud. It goes to show you that God can make somebody out of anybody. He can lift you up and dust you off. I went through a lot of hell before TheeFashionStories started and even recently. From the outside looking in, I've always had it together. But honestly, I was really depressed a few months ago.

I thought that my life was over when I had to face the mess that I had made of myself. I was sure that no one would ever want me, not as a friend, lover, blogger, etc. Then one day, God grabbed me and changed my mindset. He placed people in my corner to pray for me and encourage me. I can honestly say that I am still here and kicking because of love and prayer. If God can do it for me, then he can do it for you!

I am fueled by my passion for blogging and desire for success. I have been blogging for a little over a year now and I really can't imagine doing anything different with the rest of my life. I feel like my voice is finally being heard by the masses. I can finally see my dreams manifesting. The older I get, the more I feel like I am growing into my own. I wanted to have the biggest fashion blog in the country a few months ago. Now I just want readers to be touched and inspired by TheeFashionStories.

I want you to enjoy your time checking out my blog. My blog is me in written form. I like to create beautiful things and decorate EVERYTHING in site. I am a stylist to my friends and I always have advice. I love to talk so typing out my thoughts comes easy. I am growing and I hope that you are growing too. I wanted my blog to grow, but in all honesty being a blogger/ business owner has forced me to grow in ways that I never imagined. So you should step out on faith and turn your dreams into plans! A year from now, you are going to wish that you started today.

I want to know your passions. What are your dreams and goals? I really would like to know what my readers are going through or hoping to find within TheeFashionStories. The goal of TheeFashionStories is to inspire your style and intrigue your soul. Enjoy!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

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