Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stylist: Darion Jordan

Darion De'Angelo Jordan is a fantastic stylist with a heart of gold. We met at a school block party and instantly clicked. His chill personality and confidence are rare. His eye for fashion is unmatchable. He is successful, humble, and on his way to the top. Continue reading to learn more about D. Wu himself!

What is your occupation?
I’m currently a stylist and sales associate for The Muse, under the direction of owner and CEO, Nicki R. Davis. I will be officially starting fall 2013 and can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of the Muse family.

Who have you worked with and/or worked for?
For the past 2 years, I’ve had some of the most amazing experiences working as a co-director, marketing and design chair, and as a set stylist. For the past year, I’ve worked as a Lead Designer and Co-Creative Director for SCULPT Magazine, a magazine functioning as a canvas for emerging artists to freely and creatively showcase their talents. In addition, I also had the privilege of interning as an Assistant Set Stylist for Anthony Cherry and intern/stylist for Theodore Leaf of NBC Fashion Star; both celebrity stylist to the stars in Los Angeles, California. At Mizzou, I worked as a National Trainer and member of AIESEC Mizzou, the largest student run non-profit organization in the world, allowing for students in over 113 countries to develop themselves through service, helping to provide cross cultural experiences. In addition, I’m currently the Intern Queen Campus Ambassador of Mizzou, a database that provides amazing opportunities for students to explore opportunities and develop skills for their future careers.
If you could trade jobs with anyone who would it be?
If I could trade jobs with anyone, it probably would be Oliver Rousteing, head of one of the most influential labels in Paris. His amazing journey through working as a nameless patternmaker, to becoming the Creative Director of the House of Balmain, has truly showcased to up and coming designers that you can do the unthinkable. Like Oliver Rousteing, I would love to work behind the scenes with top designers, magazines, and/or fashion companies, and again, start building my own empire.

Describe your style in 3 words.
“Rugged-cut Gentlemen”
If I were to describe my signature style, I would describe it as “the rugged-cut gentleman.” Now I’m not your average gentleman that loves to dress in suits every day or just simply in my comfort zone afraid to venture out. Pops of color don’t scare me, mix and matching patterns is totally a thing, fitted jeans are for the present, I’ve had streaks of blonde and back to black, and I’ve never had a problem with wearing sneakers and a vintage printed vest at the same time.

Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration from my family, friends, and everyday surroundings. Literally I could hear a song and envision a runway of colors of the wind and kaleidoscope prints from the beats and bumps. It’s the everyday surroundings and situations of LIFE in general that inspire me. One of my favorite obsessions to gain styling and inspiration is by thrift shopping. Thrift shopping allows you to travel back in time, seeking inspiration from the past and the present at an affordable price. I like how 10 years ago people were embarrassed to thrift-shop, but now it’s a thing. I tell people it’s okay if you find that red pump at the thrift store, as long as it goes with that black cocktail dress.

What do you want people to gain from your work?
I want people to feel bold, daring, and in love with their own craft. The most important thing is to love what you do. Wake up every morning and feel amazing about what you do, with no hesitation. Period.

What makes your work or brand different from your peers?
Through each and every aspect of my life, I find a way to go toward new heights and be the trendsetter. Whether that’s rocking pocket squares without the suit jacket, or two to the three patterns at the same time, it’s all about owning it. I value staying ahead of the trend and being authentic in my everyday work. With my peers, we all have similar interests, but have our own ways of expressing ourselves.

How would you describe your fashion story?
My fashion story would consist of a light-blue button down w/rolled sleeves, blue and white polka-dot pocket square, dark denim, beige colored wingtips or off white converse w/red trim (depends on the occasion), brown belt, and brown-gold trimmed shades to finish of the classic look. I’m obsessed with neutrals, deep blues, bold reds, vintage prints, and classic button downs if you haven’t noticed. 

Where do you see your career in 5 years?
I believe that the future is unpredictable, but that each day should be committed to #makingithappen. I’ve always said that if your dreams don’t scare you then they’re not big enough. Right? I plan to work in the fashion industry, learning as much as I can to start building my own empire. I have so much I want to learn and love to learn from others. I plan to have a full functioning website for, where I will engage followers with Fashion & Styling Tips, Foodie Obsessions, and Cultural Encounters from all across the world. With music being a huge part of my life, I plan to make it happen and make my mark in the music industry, as well. 5 years to move and start making your mark. I’ve learned that time allows you to refocus and restructure. I always tell myself and others “You got time. Whatever it may be…make it happen.”

What is your biggest dream or aspiration?
My biggest dream is to become one of the biggest musicians in the entertainment industry. Aside with of course being a fashion designer (big dreams) I believe these two link closely together in size. With writing always being a passion of mine, I find that music has helped me discover so many hidden talents and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I’m currently in a group with my partner in crime Lyruk Vinge called Hymn and Herr….be on the lookout for the movement.

What mark do you want to leave on this world?
I want to know that I did everything in my power to live out each experience to its fullest. I want to inspire people to feel encouraged to do exactly what it is you love. When I see my friends, family, and people all around me, I always make an effort to smile because you never know how that can change their day around.

What career advice do you have for Thee Fashion Stories readers?
Trust your journey. No matter what decides to come into your life know that your book is already written. You’re the AUTHOR AND the ILLUSTRATOR. Your future is truly in your hands. #makeithappen

How can Thee Fashion stories readers contact you?
Thee Fashion stories readers can contact me at my email address or at any of the social media outlets.
Instagram: darion_wu
Twitter: @VexAccessories
Facebook: Darion Wu
Pinterest: Darion Wu

Make sure you support Darion and check out his work. I can't wait to work on a few projects with him myself. Things are only getting bigger and better for this awesome stylist. 

Much Love,

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