Friday, November 15, 2013

Mediocre Is NOT You

By Jasmine Cooper

I am convinced that I was put here for greatness. The darkness that comes into my life is for the trying of my faith. I do not doubt that great things lie ahead. For this very reason, I am not okay with living a mediocre life, going to mediocre things with mediocre people, and fake smiles... I will not live a mediocre life. The thought of being average makes me sick. There are pieces of me that I have yet to see and parts of this world that I hope to explore.  Mediocre is not good enough for me anymore. What about YOU?

What are you so afraid of? What are you running from? Why are you content with where you are when God has placed bigger dreams inside of you? Why do you run from challenges? Why can't you see that a rainbow is on the way? Don't you realize that you were made to be extraordinary not mediocre? Stop settling.

You know it just like I do. You are beautiful and your thought process is simply amazing. Stop running from what makes you unique. You were created by the creator. God is artistic and creative, just look at the stars, the trees, the birds, even you and me! God created everything beautiful. So again I ask you, "What are you so afraid of?" You can do great things if you walk in your destiny. You are the only one who can do it. So go for it gorgeous! Do your thing and fall in love with your craft. Make time for who and what you love. Dive right in and enjoy it because you are so worth it! You deserve to be happy.

Living mediocre isn't really living life at all. You have to push the envelope and run towards the finish line. Set goals for yourself and leave your mark on this world. You were created for greatness and greatness is what created you. Stop being content with mediocre because mediocre was never intended for you.

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist 

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