Tuesday, December 31, 2013

10 Tips for 2014

1. Do more of what you love.
You will be a lot happier once you decide to spend time doing things that you love. Make a career out of your God given talents and abilities. I know that you are good at one thing and probably even more than that. This year choose one to expand upon. You never know what God will do once you trust him and do what you love!

2. Stop hanging around people that suck the life out of you.
You become what you surround yourself with. You have to decide to stop hanging around people that are always taking from you and never giving back. You need people in your corner who pour into your life and uplift you!

3. Quit doing busy work.
You need to give up on just getting by. Do more than just exist. Live your life and do things that interest you. Busy work could be at work, home, church, school, etc. No matter where it is or what it is... STOP DOING IT! God put you here for a special purpose and it is time that you finally tapped into it. Life is too short for busy work!

4. Force yourself to let go. It's time to move on.
You know exactly what I am talking about. It is time that you threw in the towel on that relationship, friendship, partnership, business, etc. You deserve so much more. You deserve to smile everyday. You deserve flowers and dates. You deserve to feel special. After all, God put you here with purpose in mind. Be happy and let go!

5. Let go of negative self images. 
You are beautiful and it is time that realized it. You are perfect just the way that God made you. You do not need to wear weave, makeup, or designer clothes to make you beautiful. You can wear those things. I love them myself, but you have to know that you are beautiful without them or your self-esteem will continue to suffer. You are beautiful and you have to believe that because... IT IS TRUE!

6. Forgive them.
You need to forgive them. Let go of that baggage and start fresh in 2014. Start now and start here with what you have. Forgive them and let God do the rest.

7. Give back to your community. 
You have more than enough time, money, and resources to help someone else out. I know, I know you planned on it but went through with your plans. In 2014 make it a priority to give back to your community. You are blessed to be a blessing to someone else.

8. Choose to smile each day that you are alive.
You are talented, intelligent, and utterly amazing so smile! Show those pearly whites and do something wild this year. Live your life with no regrets. Learn from each mistake and keep your head held high. 

9. Drink water and eat vegetables. 
You are going to stay healthy in 2014. If you need help just check out Tempting Tuesdays on TheeFashionStories. We will offer tips on how you can healthy and fit! 

10. Spoil yourself. 
You should treat yourself to a mani and pedi once a month. Make yourself a priority. Yes, it is important to give to others and work hard but do not forget to rest. Take yourself on a mini shopping spree when your bank account allows or do free things alone. Alone time is good for your health!

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Plaid Top + Fur Trim Parka

Stay warm and cozy in your plaid and fur trim parka this winter! If you looking for a stylish way to jazz up your parka, add a print or bold color infinity scarf.

Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!

Monday, December 30, 2013

My Room + Decorating Tips

I am a college student so my room is also my creative space aka my studio. I decided that I wanted my creative space to reflect my dreams and goals. My room is my palace where I create greatness and relax. I wanted it to be a place where I can find inspiration, so I started putting things on the walls that  motivated me. Below I have a few pictures and tips to help you create your dream space, rather you are in college or ow your own home.

Advice: Add some color to your wall with creative photos.
1. Hang up anything that inspires you!
I love fashion so I hung up fashion photos, quotes, and my goals on my fashion wall. On another wall I hung up tons of family photos. My family plays a huge role in who I am and want to become so I need their faces up to push me on days when I want to give up. 

Advice: Make your own pillows!
2. Adding tons of colors and prints to your bed will add personality to your room. 
I made two of the pillows on my bed! I wanted pillows that had a lot of personality and color. I am in the process of redecorating my room right now. Soon I will have a color scheme going throughout my entire bedroom.

Advice: It's the little things that make your room special.
3. Add tissue paper or fabric to your walls to make them pop if you cannot paint them!
I added a glittery tissue passer to my inspiration wall in my bedroom. The glitter adds some sparkle without overpowering the pictures and jewelry hanging on my wall.

Tip: Displaying costume jewelry saves space and is super cute to look at!
4. Display jewelry and accessories on your wall to add personality to your room. 
I decided to showcase my statement necklaces on my wall. You could add flowers, quotes, medals, or trophies to your display. Make it your own!

I hope that this small tour was helpful! I will be doing more room tours and DIYs in 2014. Enjoy the rest of 2013 and make things your own! If you have any comments or request please leave them below.

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Goodbye 2013 and Cheers to New Beginnings

The year is coming to an end, so I wanted to share a little bit more about myself and thank all of my supporters for sticking with TheeFashionStories. I have big ideas for 2014, so stay tuned! My journey has just begun and I am loving it more and more each day. Blogging has taught me a lot about myself and others. I have learned to trust my instincts and to be more direct when communicating. Life often throws us curveballs, but we have to be willing to catch them in order to grow. I hope that TheeFashionStories has had a positive impact on your life. I won't stop! 

I am forever grateful to every designer, every brand, every stylist, etc. who gave me the opportunity to share a part of their story with TheeFashionStories. I am going to do a small roll call. If I forgot you please comment so that I can add you. I enjoyed doing each interview, store review, and brand review. I am looking forward to staying connected with everyone in 2014. I wish you all much success!

2013 Interviews
MADE Urban Apparel: Mark Launiu
The RealMissDrea-Daily: An'Drea Hall
Designer: Whitney Manney
MUSE Owner: Nikki Davis
JXL Designer: Jasmine Deadmon
Stylist: Darion Jordan
House of Rena Designer: Eranne Whiters
Stylist: Kyla Cherry
Stylist: Donette Lowe
Her$tyle Media Creator: Britney Turner
Stylist: Isis Manning
Designer: Langston Jones
COOL Clothing Owner: Mycah Houston
Blogger: Sara Ssnow
Blogger: Cydni Robertson
Fashionista: Chauniece Johnson
Blogger: Briea Clark
Miss Latina Missouri: Diana Hernandez
Freelance Writer: LaParis Hawkins
Photographer: Steven Green
KC Sole
Public Relations Specialist: Kathryn Mansur
Lo'Cal Fashion Magazine CEO: Tachai Hayes
Unorthodox Clothing: Sadiki
Keefe Cravat CEO: Jordan Williams
Stylist: Joi White

Thank you all again. Things will only get better and bigger in 2014. I have some fantastic interviews lined up for January. My calendar is filling up and requests are coming in so you can expect nothing but the best! What do you want to see more of in 2014? What brands do you love? Please leave comments and links below so that I can check them out. I want to hear from my readers. Thank you all a bunch for the continued love and support.

Stay tuned and follow TheeFashionStories on Instagram!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

Thursday, December 19, 2013

500th Post: Happy Holidays Giveaway

In honor of the holiday season and our 500th post we are hosting a Happy Holidays Giveaway. You can enter the giveaway on Instagram or Twitter by using the following hashtags: 
#TheeFashionStories #HolidayGiveaway 
sharing the photo below! 
So I bet you are wondering what the prizes are? Check out these amazing prizes and be sure to enter NOW!!

1. 1 Cheetah Print #TFS Beanie
2. 2 Pairs of JXL Earrings
3. 1 Signature CLVR Threads Tee
5. 1 free issue of Lo'Cal Fashion Magazine

Ps. Each brand name is linked to their website! Thank our sponsors by doing a little Christmas shopping on their websites!
Take a closer look... 

House of Rena Infinity Scarf
TFS Beanie and JXL Earrings
CLVR Threads Tee
PS. Pay it forward this holiday season! Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Acne Boots + Comfy Pullover + Parka

Casual Mondays

The New Jas + Inspiration

I am finally at a point my life where I can say that I am absolutely in love with who God made me. I am reaching for dreams that I never thought I could and making myself proud. It goes to show you that God can make somebody out of anybody. He can lift you up and dust you off. I went through a lot of hell before TheeFashionStories started and even recently. From the outside looking in, I've always had it together. But honestly, I was really depressed a few months ago.

I thought that my life was over when I had to face the mess that I had made of myself. I was sure that no one would ever want me, not as a friend, lover, blogger, etc. Then one day, God grabbed me and changed my mindset. He placed people in my corner to pray for me and encourage me. I can honestly say that I am still here and kicking because of love and prayer. If God can do it for me, then he can do it for you!

I am fueled by my passion for blogging and desire for success. I have been blogging for a little over a year now and I really can't imagine doing anything different with the rest of my life. I feel like my voice is finally being heard by the masses. I can finally see my dreams manifesting. The older I get, the more I feel like I am growing into my own. I wanted to have the biggest fashion blog in the country a few months ago. Now I just want readers to be touched and inspired by TheeFashionStories.

I want you to enjoy your time checking out my blog. My blog is me in written form. I like to create beautiful things and decorate EVERYTHING in site. I am a stylist to my friends and I always have advice. I love to talk so typing out my thoughts comes easy. I am growing and I hope that you are growing too. I wanted my blog to grow, but in all honesty being a blogger/ business owner has forced me to grow in ways that I never imagined. So you should step out on faith and turn your dreams into plans! A year from now, you are going to wish that you started today.

I want to know your passions. What are your dreams and goals? I really would like to know what my readers are going through or hoping to find within TheeFashionStories. The goal of TheeFashionStories is to inspire your style and intrigue your soul. Enjoy!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

Monday, December 16, 2013

What to Buy Your Girlfriend(s) for Christmas

Holiday Gift Guide Pt1

1. Infinity Scarves: House of Rena, Forever21, Marshalls, Macy's, H&M
2. Sunglasses: Forever21, Marshalls, Macy's, H&M
3. Cute Phone Cases: Amazone
4. Lipstick: Sephora, MAC, H&M, Mayelline, Loreal
5. Beanies: TFS, Amazon, Forever21
6. Makeup Brushes: Forever21, MAC, Sephora
7. Nail Polish: Sephora
8. Gold Chains: Forever21, 
9. Statement Rings: Claires, Icing, Forever21
10. Clutches: Target, Marshalls
11. Mascara: Sephora, Wal Mart

Tip: Buy a few things from the list above and put them in a cute box then wrap it up or have it wrapped at the mall. Your girlfriend will appreciate you paying attention to the little things! If you have nay questions about colors ask me or when you go into each store look for someone who looks like they know what they are doing and ask them for help. Sephora and Forever21 are easy places to shop and the workers are lost always willing to help! Enjoy!

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

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