Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Passion Makes BIG Checks

By Jasmine Cooper

Somedays I have to pinch myself to make sure that I am still alive. I have never been this happy. I feel so alive and awake. I am living my dreams and loving every minute of it. Love is a beautiful thing. True love amazes me, everyday. I have found my true passion with blogging. I love creating new posts, styling models, and interviewing new artists. I love everything about blogging and I plan on making TheeFashionStories my source of income after college. What do you love? I have found someone who is utterly amazing and I want to encourage YOU to stop waiting around for something that is NEVER going to happen. Stop selling yourself short. You deserve someone who gives you just as much as you give them. Hold your head up and move on. It will get better with time. Follow your passion and your gut with every venture in life. Let God handle the rest!

There is so much life to live and enjoy.  Fall in love with LIFE itself. Stop focusing on what you do not have, but rather enjoy what you do have and write down your goals. Lately, I've been focus on expansion and networking. I want to be the best that I can be. I love what I do and I intend to make a career out of it. Blogging is one of the best things has ever happen to me. What about you? What do you love? What is your passion? I credit my success as a blogger, as a student, as a friend, as a woman to PASSION!

Passion makes for big checks. When you truly love what you do, it will show. No, money is not everything but it does open up doors. Stop being afraid of greatness. Your fear of failure is what keeps you bound. I used to be afraid of gaining weight, being alone, never progressing, etc. Then one day, I had to face them all. I had to make a conscious decision to leave all of my fears in the past and run towards my future. The initial steps were difficult to take, but now I am so much happier. Can you think of a time when you wanted something different, but were afraid to go for it? What happen when you finally stopped letting fear rob you of true happiness? It is the desire for greatness that drowns out my fear of failure. Do what you love and love who you are with. We are given one shot here on Earth, make it count. 

Much Love,
Jas the Stylist

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