Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Soul's Reflection

By Jasmine Cooper

I thought that I lost everything that meant anything to me in this past year and the tears that I cried made me stronger and more confident. I am in love with the woman that I have become. It often amazes me how God orchestrates our lives. I was at an all time low a few weeks ago and now I am back at the top of my game. I cannot even begin to tell you guys how awesome God has been to be me! I was so down about not having this, not having that, now being here, etc. Now I am content and full of joy.  If it wasn’t for God, I’d still be where I was or worse. But he decided to lift me up and bless me to walk again. 

Have you ever felt like your picture perfect life was falling from your grip? Like the things that you’d dreamed of and imagined were no longer possible? Like maybe the life that you’d imagined was impossible? And maybe, just maybe your life was taking a few detours? Or even that your final destination has been moved? Well I can agree totally. I am not where I thought I would be at this stage in my life… I am somewhere much better because God has ordered my steps. I’ve learned to be okay with not being perfect. What about you? Is your ideal image of your future, ruining your present state?

Trust in the Lord will all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

I never thought that I could smile so bright, until recently. God let me run to the end of myself and then he picked me up… dusted me off and stood me up taller than ever before. This past weekend, I decided to rededicate myself to Christ. I have also decided to focus more on inspirational post on this blog. I want to inspire and uplift people, not just give fashion tips. Living life with no passion isn’t really living at all, so I am committed to stirring up passion inside of everyone who encounter’s TheeFashionStories. 

It blows my mind when I think about the fact that someone can walk into your life and enhance it so much. I encourage you to let go and let God. Things fall together when they are supposed to and fate has a weird way of surprising us! Ha.

Stay encouraged and never give up on your dreams! It has taken me 21 years to learn that I don’t always know best (No one does….). God gave your passion and desires to you for a reason, so stop trying to figure it all out and just go with the flow. 

Much Love,
Jas The Stylist

Ps. You can shop my beanie shop here.

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