Friday, March 22, 2013

Memory Lane

We are so close to 10k page views and today is the blog's four month anniversary, so I decided to take a trip down memory lane. I used to want to be someone else. I was running from the call that God placed on my life, but now I am proud of the woman that I've become. I am so proud of where God has brought me in these past four months. Since starting Fashion Stories my life has changed completely. I've found my drive again and ignited my passions. The road hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it. I've met some pretty amazing people since I started blogging. My testimony is this: When I stepped out on faith, God stepped in and showed OUT! My support system has always given me encouraging words and advice. I will forever owe you all for the love, support, and prayers.

Fashion Stories is a conversation starter as well. It is so refreshing to meet people and hear them say that they've been inspired by my blog. You never know who will be blessed by your gifts! It is crazy how much I have grown since it all began. Do you ever look back at where you used to be and just smile? God did not have to choose me or use me, but he did and continues to. My voice is here to inspire the broken hearted. I love fashion and shopping excites me beyond belief but my true joy is in knowing that I helped push a young lady into her dreams. It is an amazing feeling knowing that you are using all of the gifts God has given you. I guess you could say that I am letting my life shine and it feels so good!☺ 

I just wanted to say thank you all so much for supporting my blog! There is no limit to what God can do. I hope that you all continue to enjoy Fashion Stories. This blog will continue to inspire. What are you doing to make your dreams turn to reality? How are you pushing forward? Who or what is leading you? Whatever is in your heart will spring forth on your tongue and into your life. 

...For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. Matthew 12:34 

P.S. I will be starting a giveaway next week to celebrate 10k page views! Make sure you are following Fashion Stories on Twitter and Like Fashion Stories on Facebook for a chance to win!

Be safe and strong gorgeous!

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